Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saturday with the Stobarts

I think this was one of my most favorite shoots... all four kids are ADORABLE and photograph beautifully and their mom couldn't be sweeter and more laid back. She was great about letting the kids "do their thing" while I snapped away. I think I must be drawn to 2-year-olds because it feels like every shoot I have includes one. They are always challenging, but darn cute! This one was no exception. She is stunningly beautiful and unbelievably funny. Her brother and sisters were great about working around her so we made sure we had plenty of nice shots. Can't wait to have my next session with them (when or when will Spring ever come??) when we can get outside. Thanks Robin for all your patience during the shoot and kind words afterwards. So glad you loved the pictures as much as I did.

A Cute and Crazy Bunch!

I loved capturing these beautiful kids on my camera. They were so fun to be with, they loved playing around and being themselves while I shot away. The youngest was pretty sure he wasn't going to have any of this "pose and smile stuff", so I just sat back and watched him play with his favorite things; trucks and books. What gorgeous kids!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Emma and her new outfit

This Christmas our 6-year-old going on 16-year-old only wanted "stylish outfits" from Santa. Apparently toys are for toddlers, or so says Emma. So her grandma worked very hard (with the help of a younger friend) to find the perfect stylish outfit. I think she did pretty well and Emma loved her new purple striped sweater dress with leggings. She jumped at the chance to let me take some pictures of her in her new outfit at Grandma's house (another wonderfully warm day in December!). I also dragged out the kids and their grandparents for at least one nice shot during Christmas. Trust me, at that point it wasn't as warm as it looks. :)

Cordum Clan

Over Christmas break my friend, Jeanne and her three boys, were able to stop by for a visit while they were in town from Atlanta, GA. It was one of those wonderfully strange days this past December that the temperature was nice enough to be outside for some pictures! They boys were great about letting me get some nice shots for their mom, especially since most of them were taken while they climbed my tree.